Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wild and Crazy in Monroe!

That's MISS Wild and Crazy to all of you!! We had a great senior session on location in Monroe last night. A friend of the family graciously let us run all over her property using it for props and backgrounds. Did you know kiwis can grow in Washington? They had a huge kiwi plant and it grows into this huge viney monstrosity!! I had no idea! :) And, yes, that's a creek "Trashing the Dress" that we did at the end! SO much fun! They bought a "really ugly dress" (their words!) from a consignment store so we could have fun with it in the really cold water. I don't think my feet warmed up until bedtime! Enjoy the sneak preview!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Miss Katie's Senior Portraits

Miss Blue-Eyed Cheerleader! Can your baby blues BE any bluer?? Wow! That blue wall was perfect! Enjoy your sneak peek!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer Fun

Fish Faces, bare feet, bubbles, fun outfits, what more could you ask for during summer? And it's almost over...I'm crying inside. I sent Morgan off with a list of school supplies today! Summer takes so long to get here and then all too soon school starts back up and crazy hectic routines take over. Hmm...this sounds like the perfect lead-in for a reminder for last minute summer portraits with Serendipity Photography!! And because I enjoy being twisted...a reminder that I'm booking appointments for the Autumn Leaves sessions on the Sammamish Plateau and at the Seattle arboretum for October 2oth and 27th! :) Now get out there and enjoy summer!

Babies everywhere!

As always, there's never a shortage of babies at Serendipity Photography! I love those cute little fingers and toes and their darling little expressions! Here's just a few highlights from the past few weeks.

Another local Wedding!

Now, this wedding had the BEST commute ever!!! 2 minutes and I was there! :) Perfectly blue skies, crazy groomsmen (check them out once they figured out that they were in the backgrounds of my pictures!) and an adorable couple!

Where in the world has Serendipity Photography been???

I have a confession....I am obviously a better photographer than I am a blogger. Here it's been over a month since my last post and every night before I go to sleep I mentally plan out blog postings that I have good intentions for posting the next day...Yeah, RIGHT, like that's been happenin'!!!!

So! Welcome to the Blog Blitz! :) I'm catching up tonight! I've been buried in work and I've been creating so many great images that I've been wanting to share so here goes!

First off was a fantastic wedding of local Duvall families. We had guests and wedding party members from the Cherry Valley elementary school, the Duvall Fire department and City Hall attending (even someone who used to be at Duvall Thrive gym!). Plus a very adventurous ring-bearer!