Monday, August 13, 2007

Where in the world has Serendipity Photography been???

I have a confession....I am obviously a better photographer than I am a blogger. Here it's been over a month since my last post and every night before I go to sleep I mentally plan out blog postings that I have good intentions for posting the next day...Yeah, RIGHT, like that's been happenin'!!!!

So! Welcome to the Blog Blitz! :) I'm catching up tonight! I've been buried in work and I've been creating so many great images that I've been wanting to share so here goes!

First off was a fantastic wedding of local Duvall families. We had guests and wedding party members from the Cherry Valley elementary school, the Duvall Fire department and City Hall attending (even someone who used to be at Duvall Thrive gym!). Plus a very adventurous ring-bearer!

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