Thursday, December 11, 2008


I love photographing siblings that are older. They pay attention, they do what I ask, we can be more creative and they've got the coolest shoes!! Although, I have seen some really cute squeaky shoes on some 18 month olds lately. So flipping cute!! Everywhere they go...squeak...squeak...squeak...squeaksqueaksqueaksqueak!!!

Thanks ladies!! You were terrific fun!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa Baby!

Have to share this adorable little pouty guy. Mom brought in the best holiday outfits for him and we had a blast photographing him with them. If you caught his earlier post (Three day old smiler), he's now 2 months old today! What a cutie he's turning into!

Santa's Visit

Just a few tidbits from our Santa Portraits over the weekend...WOW!! It was so much fun watching the kids see Santa. Yes, some of them screamed like crazy, others screamed "Santa!" in excitement, still others took some time to conquer their fears and bravely reach out to accept a candy cane from Santa. We hammed it up for the camera, read stories together, checked the list to make sure who was on the nice list and got plenty of great big hugs. It was such a terrific experience, I've already made sure Santa will be sure to come out and see us again next year!

Your order can be picked up at the studio on Saturday the 13th between 10am and 1pm. Let us know if you need a different time.

Want advance notice of it for next year? Make sure you're on the email list and we'll drop you an email around November to let you know when Santa is coming next year! Email me and I'll put you on the list!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Flooding in the valley? Photo-op!!

I finally had the opportunity to take advantage of the flooding that happens every year out here in the Snoqualmie Valley. This adorable couple wanted portraits to capture their life as it is before they start on the next chapter in their life and the timing was perfect for what I had in mind. Outside we went with their cute puppies and their adventuresome spirit! Thank you!!!! The water was COLD but oh so worth it I think!!

Santa Saturday!

I'm so excited!! Santa's coming to visit Duvall on Saturday the 6th! That's THIS Saturday! He'll be here at the studio from 10am until 2pm. This years set is a log cabin fireside scene where Santa is hard at work finishing gifts and toys for all the kids and piles of gift-wrapped toys are ready to be loaded into the sleigh.

Portrait Packages will be available starting at $30, and ala carte options will be starting at $20. Remember, this is the super duper Santa pricing, you don't get prices like this any other day of the year!!

I'll also have some really cute designs for Holiday cards available as well if you haven't tackled the annual card yet. I would expect to have cards back and ready for pick up by the 16th, maybe even as early as the 13th. Plenty of time to get them in the mail!

Where's the studio??? We're on the corner of Main and Cherry in the Historic Duvall area in the same building as Quilter's Garden and Duvall Performing Arts. Of course, this is right in the thick of all the construction, but there's plenty of parking in the side parking lot, behind the library, behind our building and off towards the Shell station.

Oh! And don't forget!! If you came by for Halloween and I took your picture, you still have your free 4x6 at the studio that you can pick up!

15705 Main Street

Where'd November go?

Wow, that was a fast month!! Ok, I'm unearthing my desk and getting things squared away. Christmas is almost here and I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving!!

Things to know:

You still have time to have portraits delivered in time for Christmas! But only until the 5th. After that, you have until the 12th to get your order to me, but now there's rush charges to be factored in. You should have been photographed by now, of course. This only works if we're ordering from a previous session.

Holiday cards!!! I love, love, LOVE the new designs I'm working with!! And, yes, I still have time to get your holiday cards back in time for you to mail out! Even better, take advantage of Santa pictures this Saturday and send out holiday cards featuring your adorable children with Santa! (no rush charges for any portrait/card orders with Santa!)