Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Proud to be a mom!

Just a quick post to say how proud I am of my daughter and her school. Every year they do a play and this year's is Jack and the Beanstalk. My darling girl got the role of the Giant's Wife and she is so excited with her lines. I'm not kidding, a day or two of knowing which part she got, she had most of it memorized! Last year's play was incredible and I'm sure this year's will be no different. Anyone can go see the play, tickets go on sale at the end of the month and the play is at the end of April. Even better, dessert will be served! :) Totally worth the price of admission! Of course, the play is going to be great (I know most of lines now as well...) and if you've got kids, they'll enjoy going as well!

Okay, proud mom going back to work now. I have lots of duckie pictures to edit! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We are quacking up at the studio!

We're having so much fun with our spring duckling sessions right now! In-between all the laughing and giggling, today was another AMAZING day with duckling portraits. I must be blessed to have such terrific kids (and mommies!! The wardrobes have been perfect!) coming in for pictures. They've been patient and quiet with our flock of babies and very gentle when petting the ducks.

If you're thinking about doing this, or already telling yourself to remember for next year, you actually still have a chance this year. We'll have the ducks for another week and we do still have some openings here and there on the schedule for next week.

You can schedule a duckie portrait session if:

You have children that are old enough to be able to sit up on their own.

And yeah, that's really the only requirement!! :) We've photographed children as old as 12-14 years old, we've had a couple of dogs, we've even had a family in!

Of course, there's the whole procrastination thing about calling and scheduling a session...don't! I kid you not, our duckies were hatched on Monday, arrived on Tuesday and they've doubled in size since then. Just imagine how big they'll be in another week! Pin feathers will start sprouting in about 10 days I think.

Clients always ask what we do with the ducks after our sessions are done. There's the fun answers and there's the realistic ones. :) As much as I love using the fun answers, the reality is that there are a number of families who live here in the valley that are more than excited to adopt our Serendipity ducks from us when we're done.

Keep Quacking!!
Kaela at Serendipity

Monday, March 1, 2010

Northwest Women's Show

Our grand unveiling of our new line of photography will be this weekend at the Northwest Women's Show this weekend. We're spending this week taking care of last minute details (do they ever end??) and frantically placing orders for the things I've let slip thru the cracks for the show. We've also got some new products to show off and a GREAT discount for sessions that are booked at the show.

We're in Booth 634 at the Women's show! Come see us!

Show hours:
Friday 10-5pm
Saturday 10-6pm
Sunday 10-5pm
Qwest Field

Women's Show website