Thursday, April 26, 2007

Vancouver BC

Well, it's been at least 15 years since I had been north of the border (somehow it's always the heat of south of the border that calls me!) so Adam and I went away for the weekend and drove up to Vancouver BC. We stayed in a B&B in West Vancouver and had a great time wandering the city. We visited Granville Island (picked up some GREAT Serrano ham and wine there) and found our way to the Vandusen Gardens. Very pretty garden, with some great possibilities for a future location for a Portrait Safari.

On our way home we took the roundabout way which included a 90 minute detour out east to visit another garden. Stopped along the way for lunch and ended up finding a tulip field out in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no one around so of course we had to go take pictures! :)

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