Friday, October 23, 2009


It's never too early to mention Halloween, right? Especially since I've been hearing about Halloween from my daughter for the past 5 months about what kind of costume she's going to wear. Every morning, without fail, there's some new update on what she wants to do. I think she finally has it figured out though. Thank goodness!!

This little guy is whom I called "Turtle". Conveniently enough, his costume was of a turtle and he was the only turtle that we saw last year at the trick or treating event in Duvall so the nickname wasn't much of a stretch. :) He also came to be photographed with Santa, and with our duckies for the sessions in the springtime.

In case you haven't heard, Duvall is THE place to be for trick or treating!! We have over 70 businesses in town participating from 3pm-6pm on Halloween handing out candy and treats. Each year, our treat to you is a free 4x6 of your costumed cutie in our spooky scene. Pictures will be ready for pick-up by Friday, November 6th.

Sorry for the lag between posts, it's been crazy busy around here with high school seniors doing the yearbook scramble (deadlines are during October and the first part of November) and families coming in for sessions, and all the fun sessions we've been doing outside in the leaves! I have plenty of things to post to the blog, it's just finding the elusive time to do so!

Keep an eye on the portrait website...there's going to be a huge change shortly! :) Also, all the images in the senior website's galleries are brand new!

Happy Fall!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's the little "Honu." Our little guy has gotten so big!