Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

Hi!! My name is Kaela and I'm a bad blogger! :) Whew, now that I've got that out of the way, let me tell you why I've been so quiet.

Christmas was insane!! Everyone was so awesome with coming to the new studio and more people found us and we were buried in designing Christmas cards! Did we do your cards? Did you get someone's card who we did design it for them? Ever since we changed to the new card styles, I've never had so many clients come back and tell me how much they loved their cards and how many comments they got back from their friends and family that they sent them to. I'm guessing that we're going to even more swamped this coming year with all the holiday cards for everyone. That said...there'll be a special for you early birds in September for family portraits and holiday cards. Feel free to call the studio and get on that list quick, I guarantee they will all be filled and then when you call in August, we'll have to put you on the waiting list. September 27th...Christmas in September!

I've been working like crazy finishing up the studio. We moved in at the beginning of October and never once really had a chance to organize it! It was just an immediate jump into work! Now, though, we've got more displays up, we're working on changing out the older ones (btw, if you're on our wall and we're going to change it out and you'd like to have the wall portrait, it's yours for 50% off). We've been working hard at setting up new scenes to photograph with and fun walls and props.

We've got two Limited Edition specials coming up in March. The Ducklings are back of course! We'll be photographing the ducklings in the pond on March 21st and 22nd. New this year are Springtime Bunny sessions. These are being scheduled on March 7th and 8th. I've got samples being photographed this weekend, so watch for some seriously cute images of kids with the bunny!

Coming soon online...the website will have a bit of a hiccup...we're going to change things around a bit and do some shuffling to accommodate a new splash page and a whole new website geared just for high school seniors. I'm really excited about this site, it's got a whole different feel to it and I'm pretty excited about the coming summer for seniors.

Pretty soon when you call in to ask a question or book an appointment you might be hearing a couple of different voices on the phone. One of which might be Kathy (aka my mom!). She's been working part-time with me for the past year but at the beginning of January she said adios to her old job and has been working with me full-time. Kathy is in charge of framing your portraits and assembling your orders. Another new voice will be Laurie! A past client (she's got awesome duckling portraits on her wall too!), she has come on board to help us out! Laurie will soon be taking care of setting up appointments, helping you out during sales sessions and being a photoshop wiz in the office.

See!! I've been busy!!! :) Although there's one other thing that Laurie will do and that's crack that whip over me when I've been a bad blogger...

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